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Editorials for Mortgage Protection

Working Mortgage Protection Leads

Working Mortgage Protection Leads

Since the mortgage bubble of 2008 the Mortgage Protection market has been steady increasing providing a great opportunity for life insurance agents looking to either get back into the market or start selling in this market.

There are two schools of thought when considering working leads in this market. The first is working leads with data on current mortgages, meaning those mortgages closed in the past week or data on those mortgages closed six to twelve months ago (aged data). Choosing which one is best for you is another matter.

Mortgage Protection Life Insurance

The "Need" of mortgage protection life insurance

There are three tragedies everyone needs to think about: disability, illness and death. Any or all could strike at any time with death being unavoidable. The best option to prevent inevitable hard times is to prepare early so they are not as tough as they could be.

This is where selling Mortgage Protection life insurance proves itself as a valuable solution. By covering a family's most valuable possession, it can bring peace of mind. Policy owners or beneficiaries can receive lump sum benefits or monthly payments that protect against the financial devastation that the unexpected loss of income will bring.

Underwriting Life Insurance

Demystifying the Underwritten World

One the most frustrating aspects for insurance agents moving from Final Expense products to Mortgage Protection products is understanding the underwriting. All of a sudden your cases are being inundated with questionnaires, table rated, or worse declined. In fact this frustration has led many agents to leave the industry altogether as they are battling chargebacks from final expense and declines from mortgage protection.

Life Insurance Sales Presentation

The Purpose of a Great Presentation: Mortgage Protection Part one

One the most important components in the sales process for life insurance agents is their presentation. From the moment you pull in the driveway you are on stage. Every movement, your body language, eye contact and the words you use will either have you closing or not.

A great mortgage protection presentation should not only provide a means for making a sale but should also educate your client as well as address objections before they’re asked.



Legacy Agent, LLC
41000 Woodward Ave, East Ste #350
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304

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